Our blog is dedicated to seasonal living: cooking with local produce (sometimes our own), sewing for the home and searching out vintage bargains.

We believe that most of the pleasure is in the journey - in the making and creating, even if in a simple way.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Happy and Laying

I'm bound to say this I suppose but these hens seem pretty happy to me - farming does not have to be all about intensity and profit, (though a bit of that doesn't come amiss!). These started laying this week, and the yolks are the most yellow you could ever find. I would advise anyone to look for the most free-range they can when buying eggs.


  1. Happy hens and tasty eggs - perfect!

  2. The joy you must have from being able to walk to the hen house for your own fresh eggs. There is nothing like farm fresh and we buy our eggs from a farm up near Cranberry Cottage. They do taste so much better.

    Hugs from Holland ~
