Our blog is dedicated to seasonal living: cooking with local produce (sometimes our own), sewing for the home and searching out vintage bargains.

We believe that most of the pleasure is in the journey - in the making and creating, even if in a simple way.

Friday, 25 February 2011

That'll be just one and six please...

...now let me find some change.  Ting...watch the fingers!  It's a bit like the notoriously dangerous till in Open All Hours.  
I've just realised that I've never grown out of playing shops.

My sister had one of these Casdon cash registers when she was little so when I saw this in an antiques emporium I just had to buy it for her as an early birthday present (birthday's not until December so it's very early).   Funny how the original toy might have influenced the future as she owns a shop!

Now, can I get you anything else?


  1. How Cute ~ I had one of these as a child too! Oh the memories you have just brought back. Thanks! and Have a Happy Friday.

  2. I too had a till as a little girl and I too ended up having my own shop! What a lovely gift...
    Warm Wishes,
    Callie x

  3. Yes..I remember those tills! I think my sister had one almost identical.

  4. Seeing that takes me back...said smiling! Flighty xx

  5. How cute! I had a little red cash register when I was little, too! You found a great one! ♥
