Our blog is dedicated to seasonal living: cooking with local produce (sometimes our own), sewing for the home and searching out vintage bargains.

We believe that most of the pleasure is in the journey - in the making and creating, even if in a simple way.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Vintage Knits

A friend found these old knitting patterns in a charity shop for me. I am really enjoying looking through them. I had a thought - don't know if anyone agrees. Wool shops these days are absolutely packed with fabulous wool, this area has really taken off; however, in my opinion patterns have not kept up. So, if someone a lot cleverer than me was to put old patterns together with new wools...vintage with a twist?


  1. Ohh that sounds wonderful ~ new wool with vintage patterns. ;-)

  2. You're absolutely right so much yarn and certainly not enough garment patterns.Especially for a beginner knitter like me!
    Jo x

  3. I think there are a couple of vintage pattern books with modern sizes, yarns etc. I have a lot of patterns from the 30s and 40s because I love looking at them but knitting with them is another matter as sizes, yarns etc were very different then. They are often only one size and that size is usually a 32" bust! There are so many re- enactors around these days that I'm sure there would be a market for vintage patterns with updated instructions.

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